Wednesday, January 8, 2014


If you knew me you'd know that I am addicted to music. you'd know that I love to read. You'd know that I'm a little depressed when i finish a good book, because there usually isn't one better available at the time.
If you knew me you'd know i love playing games. On the computer, board games, and sports. You'd know what food i like. What i wear.
If you knew me you'd know i am a geek.

If you knew me you'd know I've never kissed a girl.

If you knew me you'd know where I work. You'd know how much i love work even though I don't really know why.

You'd know i hate wasting time. I hate sitting for 10 minutes waiting for you to get here, finish eating, or put your shoes on. And ill probably be doing something when you show up because i got bored after the first 12 seconds. You'd know i hate wasting time that's already being wasted. Taking 15 extra minutes to level up when I could have done it faster. It makes no sense its not productive either way.

If you really knew me maybe you'd be able to tell me why.
If you knew me you'd know that I like Japanese anime like Naruto. You'd know that unlike lots of boys I don't mind romance too much, TOO MUCH; if the book is completely about romance (Twilight I'm talking about you) I probably won't like it. But if there's a love story mixed in with the plot and story line I won't throw the book away. You'd know I'm pretty much a complete geek and I think living in pretty much any other fantasy world would be pretty great.

If you knew me you'd know I don't believe in god. I don't believe our lives are worth nothing other than being a boot camp to control a better little god body. I don't believe when something good happens its not because i worked hard its because some all powerful unseen thing gave it to me. I don't believe when something bad happens its because i needed it and it helps me. I don't believe when you make a choice or a choice is made for you and it turns out well it was "meant to be" or "guided by god" you made a good choice for heavens sake.

If you knew me you know I think there doesn't always have to be a reason. "If there no god why are we here? HUH HUH EXPLAIN THAT". Well I don't know about you but I'm here because I'm breathing.
If you knew me you'd know I'm easily distracted. Like when I was about to actually write something here and a red bar flashed up saying nothing important and now I have no idea what I was in the middle of typing.
If you knew me before I knew myself... your crazy. What does that even mean? Its art though so don't judge it makes sense to someone, and that someone is crazy.

If you knew me you'd know that i love eating meat. Bacon, sausage, and any kind of meat. I could survive solely on meat. The veggies I eat are the ones that animals have digested and put in their muscles. Its pretty much the same thing so why not right?

If you knew me you'd know this post is pretty much over because there's not much else to say.
If you knew me you'd know i work 30-40 hour weeks plus school. you'd know my teachers hate me because I don't do homework sometimes and I don't care because i got home at 1 A.M.
You'd know that... that flashing red banner came up again.
If only you knew me.

#NelsonIhadtimetoworkonapostforonce #Lifeishard #<3bacon

Paris and Paris

I've been to Paris twice. 
Once was the Paris located in LPHS. The other on was located in London.
At one of them i learned to write. One of them I ate Crepes every day.
One of them I looked around me to see the beauty. One of them I looked around for inspiration. 
One of them I learned to see. One of them I didn't look.
One of them I crushed my hopes. One of them I dared to dream.
One of them I sat there hungry. One of them I had 18 euro soda. 
Both were fun.... , Both were great.
But I will probably never see, smell, or feel either of them again.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Things I Can't Remember

Where i put my phone.
What homework i have.
What day it is.
What i was just doing.
What to do.
The day of a test.
How to gramar.
What books i should read.
When i have work.
What to work on.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Differant (yes i spelled it wrong im different)

If you are actively trying to be differant it is hard because you think of what other people did so you don't copy them, but then can think of nothing but what they did. Being differant from what you usually do is easy to think of things, but its hard to do because if it came easily to you why haven't you already done it? I'm pretty horrible at writing so writing something differant from what i usually do anyways is 2x as hard. But here you go.

(Gir is the best if you don't know gir shame on you.)

Sunday, November 3, 2013

I'm Thinking About

The future.
How will life play out?
Where will the world go?
Will the jerks of today grow up tomorrow?
Will cliques ever stop forming?
Would we win a WW?
Can a WW be won?
Will it just destroy everything?
Can we survive a nuclear holocaust?
Some of the happier thing i think anout.
Will i work with my friends tomorrow?
Will i make more than usual?
Will i be able to play with friends tomorrow?
Will some new game updates come out soon?
Will me and my team win tomorrow?
Will we attend tournaments in the future?
How will this book end?

How will my life end?
How will this post end?